
Finaly I get to use a computer for my blogg!
Ollie came back so now I can update again.
Ok so let me tell you what's been going on.
First of all, I havn't made a new update due to theft in the camp. Ya that's right, some random people cam into the camp and stol a lot of things while we were working with either morning survey or IT.
They took money, computers, mobiles and such. I lost stuff for a worth of over €1000... which is pretty bad...
Hopefully the insurance will cover things but I guess we'll have to see that when I come home.
Now it's just 2 1/2 more weeks until the project finishes! Man am I excited to go home or what!
It's has been an experience like nothing before, both for the good and for the bad I guess but if you get the chance to volunteer, take it! Maybe not here unless you really like turtles ;)
My plans are quite big atm.
When I get back to Sweden I', only gonna stay put for about 2 weeks then of to England and be with my girlfriend for a couple of days. Then back home and start looking for jobs in the capital, aka Stockholm.
So I have things to do and that is so much fun!
Peace in


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